Based on
Dario Fo's "MEDEA" and on a story by विजयदान देथा Directed By Arvind Gaur
This solo piece is a completely experimental venture. Infact there was no script- A basic concept, stressing the plight of dominated women was kept in mind while workshopping and evolving it… Perhaps the current, contemporary situation of women in certain parts of the world, hopelessly doomed in a world where the man makes himself the ubiquitous master, had also something to do with the desire to stage this production. The foundation for the script is Bijayadan Detha's and Dario Fo's "Medea". the story by Vijayadan Detha, is also one where women surprise the men… Men who relentlessly treat women as s.
Euripedes "Medea" is one of the most horrific and powerful Greek tragedies, a play of dark revenge and slaughter and is dominated by the voice of "Medea", the foreign princess who aided Jason, her husband, in the past, and whom he now spurns for a younger woman, She retaliates by murdering her own children and therefore, in a sense "Killing" him and herself.
Our script is a pendulous swing between the two stories and touches upon pertinent aspects, giving a voice to the woman's case! Should a woman hit back? and why not? What does it appear? is it justified? the production is a combination of English (85%) and Hindi (15%), and Lushin's co-actors are her puppets. To give it a wider viewing, the production has been translated in to english by Avijit Dutt. Lushin is looking forward to giving it exposure outside of India too, because of its relavance in a woman's world today.